writer Visit my facebook http://www.facebook.com/#/krev.d.cheah?ref=profile/ A poet, a songwriter and a guitarist /


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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Time of Your Life

Rain thistle days a brittle
Of a shattered rose
And a vice versa conspiracy
A world of mixture

Nothing is stronger than love
Nothing can beat love
Nothing can shatter love
For all we know nothing can replace love

Love is confusing
As love is a lost in time
Craves of an unwanted rhyme
A rhyme of time

As the wedding bell chimes
One rejoice from time to time
As there is nothing else to weep
As you are having a time of your life

Secret Krev ♥ 9:48 PM link to post 0 comments

Monday, June 29, 2009

Scribbles on the wall
Every sketch every draw
The light lines the dark lines
Paints pictures

Drawn vigorously
Full with passion, happiness and sadness
Every meaning is on the wall
Life from young to old

Not many have seen it all
Until the end of the wall
As the sun shines on the other side
This is the end of the wall

Secret Krev ♥ 9:20 PM link to post 0 comments


Faith is believe
If you believe you can
You can do it
Achieve the impossible
Nothing is impossible

Faith is what you gave me
Give me, you and everyone
The hope to live through life
It is inside you
You just have to look deep for it

Faith is like a drug
When you believe
You have faith
That is how you get high
And believe me it works

Faith is a belief
Which relieves yourself
Forget about rejection or depression
Success is not far away with faith

Secret Krev ♥ 3:15 AM link to post 0 comments

The Birth of Secret Krev

The Keeper of Secrets, None will know except for me.

Pour your secrets out, for the darkest to the lightest. You'll certainly feel better. Problems in life, so care to share. Just remember no one in the world is alone. There is always help. People who have problems in life or secrets that they cant bear the burden , please pour your secrets at secret_krev@yahoo.com.

Secret Krev ♥ 2:50 AM link to post 0 comments