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Monday, November 30, 2009
Confused about love.

It's been 4 days
he've lost all sense in my brain
Feeling so numb and yet dumb
What am he to do?

To like someone impossible
To live a life of a loner
Maybe he use to be a sinner
Now karma comes back for him

What is he to do
A thousand thoughts
Shroud my mind
A thousand word he think tonight

Neverending madness
Is it worth it?
Never ending love
It a dmannation to ones health

A lonely guy
Once fabeled to be in love
Now lost in the midst
Of the loved and the unloved

What am I to do?
If i am that guy
What do i seek in life?
If it is love and when it is not love...

Secret Krev ♥ 10:17 PM link to post 0 comments