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Sunday, September 20, 2009
BY: Doctor Harold Shipman

Die every single one
Sweep these dead corpse
and put their lifeless body
on desolation row

Drain their blood
Burn their shrewed bodies
Breakall their faces
Let death consume everyone

A demon I am
Possesed by him maybe
My eyes are dialted
Cause everything feels so cold

I feel weak
Cuts on my body
The blood i severed
Inviting darkness in me

Blood is all i want
The young to the old
Cause i cannot contain
My sense of normal anymore

I rather feel pain
As it brings nostalgia
Of all the people murdered
From this blissful world

A memorial to the 215 victims that were murdered by Doctor Harold Shipman

Secret Krev ♥ 6:39 AM link to post 0 comments